Saturday, November 30, 2013
Take action project - 1
Also, last Monday my group and I did our first tabling session from 5:00-7:30 but did not receive any dresses. We had some people come up and ask what we were doing, and they took a flyer but we are looking for a much better turn out this Monday, Dec. 2nd from 2-4 p.m.! (I am donating 2 dresses and a pair of shoes, so that may help.)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
so far in my take action project
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Grassroots vs. Treetops
Friday, November 8, 2013
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
After reading chapter 12 in Half the Sky, it still surprises me how women are treated in China. I just cannot believe they would kill their daughters just because they are not boys. It breaks my heart reading about that stuff because I could not imagine killing my daughter. Women are very strong and do amazing things. I know there is gender issues all over, including the United States. I just wish it would all stop because women are just as powerful as men are. Yes we cannot do everything a man can do, but it goes both ways men cannot do everything a women can do.
Claudine story was extremely sad. I could not imagine being kiddnaped, raped, watch my sister be murdered, and being pregnant. I was happy to see that she went back for her baby because even for being raped most mothers have an instant love for their children. When I read that her uncle allowed her to live there, but she had to have sex with him for rent. I wanted to scream, why would an uncle do that then kick her out when she is pregnant with your baby. All I have to say about her she is a very strong woman keeping both babies putting them in school when she only makes a dollar. She is an amazing mother.
gender equality
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
One of the most surprising things about these success stories is about the husbands of these successful women. These people who used to beat them, control them, make their lives utterly miserable are still accepted by these women. And not only that, they are treated well by them. If this type of thing were to happen in America, I feel like the women would kick the men out of the house once they become successful and no longer have to rely on them. Like in the story of Samia, she paid off the debt of her husband, and then has her husband working under her. Why did she not get rid of him when she had the chance? He treated her terribly and squandered the money. Or in the story of Goretti, where she was often beat by heer husband and even mentioned that her life was miserable. Yet she still lives with her husband, and even occasionally gives him spending cash out of the money she makes.
What do you think of the male versus female portrayal in this chapter? Do you think it is justified? Why do you think these women kept their husbands around, and do you think they were right to do so?