Monday, December 16, 2013

Part 2

For the assigned 4 volunteer hours I helped out at the Shelter of Flint. The first time I went to their facility, on Cedar St., I locked my keys in my car. During that hour wait to unlock my car I got to spend time with the faculty talking about their program. The Shelter of Flint has a 30 day program for families of housing, three meals a day, and recourses to get back on their feet. I volunteered from 8 am to noon, and worked in two different places. I helped organize a room that was all covered in Christmas presents by moving boxes to their attack and even wrapping. The other time at the Shelter I worked with the Cafeteria staff sorting canned food.
The biggest impact this volunteer experience had on me was seeing the children. I couldn’t imagine worrying about where my next was, or even where I was staying at when I got of the school bus. These 4 hours also correlated with the poverty section of this course. The overwhelming issue of poverty was presented in the class. Seeing first hand of what “poverty “looks like does make an impact on someone who hasn’t seen it.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you choose to work at the shelter?
    It will be two years in March that I became a team member at the Shelter of Flint. Choosing to work here was a twofold opportunity. First, it gave me an opportunity to grow in my professional field as an advocate. And secondly it kept me in the field where my heart and passion is at. Empowering residents who feel they have no hope for their future or who just need someone to listen to their hurts without someone giving an opinion.

    How does your job help women in the Flint community?
    We have a great team at the Shelter of Flint that work together daily empowering all residents women, men, and children. The residents receive active case management, assistance with job search, if their resumes need to be revised we help in that area as well. We also assist them with housing search. There is much more provided that I did not mention that enable the residents to leave the SOF to attain affordable housing and be productive in the Flint community once again. This is truly a Shelter of Flint team effort.

    In closing:
    I would like to say first I am sorry that this was sent to you late. I hope you’re professor accepts this letter and all of you receive the credit all of you so deserve. I cannot thank all of you enough for you’re giving, you’re kindness, and you’re hearts, you’re time, and most importantly you’re interest. We all look forward to seeing you all again.

    Petra Kersey
