I took the lead is this because serving others is a big part of my life I went to The Shelter of Flint and found out what we needed to do as a group and process to volunteer? I met with a very nice lady that invited me back into her office to explain to her who, what, and why we were volunteering for. I explained we are a group of UofM-Flint college students that wanted to volunteer for a class assignment. She was very thankful and excited about us doing so. While I was there, she took me on a tour of the building and explained the daily life of the women and children residing there. Hearing and seeing that these are the daily lives of some people made me feel fortunate of what I have and where I am in life, at the same my heart was heavy and weak for these people. However, we are scheduled to do a family night activity with the children and parents Friday the 6th and the 13th. We plan on passing out candy and doing Christmas card decorations; thanks to Amanda St Amour. I am looking forward to meeting the families at the shelter.
I think you all found a great place to volunteer, I am glad you took the lead on that. From reading all of the posts in your group, it sounds like the Family Night was a great success!